Dagooc Arnis System (D.A.S.)

I am Grandmaster Rodillo ‘Rodel B. Dagooc, a founder-organizer of Dagooc Arnis System (D.A.S.), a coordinated system of hands and feet techniques with superb mind-setting stance that goes hand in hand with stick fighting aptitude.
I would like to introduce an arnis stick fighting system which I have developed and founded in 2010 as a culmination of my painstaking hard-work and lifetime dedication to the art, and as an apex of my career considering my long-standing experiences and hard-earned achievements to this martial art discipline.

About Dagooc Arnis System (D.A.S.)

The D.A.S. Techniques

I have developed the Dagooc Arnis System (D.A.S.) mainly for the underlying reasons:
To immortalize and institutionalize the trailblazing legacy of my Family, Grand Master Rodel Dagooc’s family as the eminent and celebrated clan in the world of arnis stick fighting system and martial arts weaponry.
To facilitate the smooth transition of my well-established martial arts legacy to my anointed successors, namely, to the Dagooc siblings Cydel, Getchin and Genrud Dagooc, who in turn, will pass on “the torch” to their rightful heirs in the next generations of kinship or kindred folks.
Professional Guarantee
My extensive and long-standing arnis martial arts experience provides an infallible assurance that my very own Dagooc Arnis System (D.A.S.) will certainly impart the necessary skills and competence to my students/trainees, turning them into world-class and high-caliber martial arts professionals particularly becoming Arnis masters themselves on a par with other highly-skilled arnis martial arts practitioners in the world.
My expert trainers, at best, have the professional competence to deliver flawless execution of my training regimen in order to produce a rare breed of arnis practitioners, virtually second to none, in expertise and professionalism.

I, Grand Master Rodel Dagooc, for all intents and purposes, would like to invite Arnis aficionados/enthusiasts/students to experience first-hand the Dagooc Arnis System (D.A.S.) and become included in our roster of arnis professionals par excellence.
Learn from me and become a Grandmaster yourself through my Dagooc Arnis System (D.A.S.) and join the pedigree of Filipino Arnis Masters.
Come and begin your journey of conquests… Maraming salamat po. Pugay!
“Perfecting the art of well-coordinated hands, feet and mind versatility empowers a martial arts practitioner to become ‘Smoking Sticks’ capable of executing Arnis techniques impeccably…”
~GM Rodel Dagooc